1) Field of research:
Spatial and temporal diversity patterns of fish assemblages:
Using binary (presence–absence) and abundance data, we study fish–environment relationships at scales with small ((100-1 m) and large (102-3 m)resolution. We are especially interested in identification of the most important environmental factors that affect distribution of fishes.
Aquatic Conservation:
Knowing the most important environmental factors that influence fishes allow us 1) to make recommendations for conservation and restoration of riverine habitats, and eco-friendly interventions; 2) to assess ecological status of surface waters in accordance of the EU Water Framework Directive.
2) Activity profile:
Field sampling of fishes:
We usually use electrofishing gears from boat or by wading, and sometimes different kinds of nets to sample fish assemblages.
Ecological data processing:
Field data are studied and summarized by general statistical methods, multivariate techniques such as ordinations and cluster analyses, and machine learning methods.