The Budapest Climate Summit was held for the second time on October 7-8, 2021, where Gábor Földvári, the head of the Emerging Pathogen Ecology Research Group of the CER Institute of Evolution, participated as a speaker at the Biodiversity and Climate Protection panel. In the panel discussion, experts in the field discussed resolving the intertwined crises of climate change and biodiversity loss.
The Budapest Climate Summit is a unique and exclusive forum where the leaders of key companies in Hungary and the surrounding region, senior government and EU officials, top managers of financial and consulting companies, developers of innovative technological solutions and renowned researchers discuss local and international aspects of sustainable development in the light of the 2050 climate targets. The conference was attended by 180 people in person, representing more than 80 companies and institutions from 25 countries around the world, followed by hundreds of viewers online.
Source: Budapest Climate Summit