
Horváth, Csenge Veronika

assistant research fellow


Main profile in keywords:
forest ecology, understory vegetation, microclimate ecology, spatial data analysis

Selected publications

Horváth Csenge Veronika; Kovács Bence; Tinya Flóra; Schadeck Locatelli Julia; Németh Csaba; Crecco Lorenzo; Illés Gábor; Csépányi Péter; Ódor Péter. A matter of size and shape: Microclimatic changes induced by experimental gap openings in a sessile oak–hornbeam forest SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 873 Paper: 162302 (2023)

Aszalós Réka; Kovács Bence; Tinya Flóra; Németh Csaba; Horváth Csenge Veronika; Ódor Péter. Canopy gaps are less susceptible to disturbance-related and invasive herbs than clear-cuts: Temporal changes in the understorey after experimental silvicultural treatments FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 549 Paper: 121438 (2023)

Tinya Flóra; Csépányi Péter; Horváth Csenge Veronika; Kovács Bence; Németh Csaba; Ódor Péter. Fine-scale interventions can reinforce the forest character of the understory vegetation – The effects of different artificial gaps in an oak-dominated forest FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 578, Paper: 122471 (2025)