
Farkas, Edit, DSc

Team Leader
Scientific Advisor

+36 28 360-122, 360-147 / 255, 256

Related link(s):

Lichenology - the knowledge of lichens



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Main profile in keywords:
lichenology, biodiversity, bioindication, lichen secondary chemistry

1) Taxonomic and floristical research of Hungarian lichens and lichenicolous fungi are carried out by morphological, chemical and molecular methods. Distribution maps of species prepared in different periods of time are classified according to their distribution types. Groups of indicator species and possible background variables are established.

2) Occurrence, localisation and role of lichen secondary metabolites are studied. Re-production of UV screening cortical pigments are investigated.

3) Taxonomic exploration of foliicolous lichens and lichenicolous fungi of importance in indicating microclimatic conditions and in ecological studies of tropical rainforests.

4) Introducing new methods and research trends applied in other fields to Hungarian lichenological research.

5) Maintenance and development of registered Lichen Herbarium VBI.

Projects supported by Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA)
– as project leader:
OTKA T0009393 – Mapping of lichens in Hungary in correspondence with the European Lichen Mapping Project and the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
OTKA T013275 – Complex biodiversity studies of the type species of the lichen genus Bacidia DeNotaris and its related taxa – taxonomic, systematical, morphological, chemical, plant-geographical and ecological investigations
OTKA T030209 – Complex biodiversity studies on crustose lichens
OTKA T047160 – Complex biodiversity studies on crustose lichens II. Further taxa, new methods
OTKA K 81232 – Perspectives in lichenological research – biodiversity, lichen chemistry
NKFI K_124341 – Global patterns to molecular problems in lichenology [Globális mintázatoktól a molekuláris problémákig a lichenológia területén]

– as participant:
OTKA T000941 – Exploration of tropical plant resources. Morphological, taxonomical and plantgeographical research of tropical cryptogamic plants.
Other projects:
– as project leader:
Lichens in the current Central Europe – from biodiversity to genes (MTA-SAV mobility)
– as participant:
2007 Climate change and biodiversity: preliminary research for an adaptation strategy in Hungary (Klímaváltozás – György Kröel-Dulay, PhD)

Curator of Lichens, Lichen Herbarium VBI
see below
Attached documents for the public: VBI_L szabalyzat_conditions 20140514.pdf

Lichenology course EA bbbn9052 “A lichenológia alapjai” (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
Lichenology I course SDIBTD8_010 (Szent István University, Gödöllő)
Lichenology II course SDIBTD8_011 (Szent István University, Gödöllő)

Selected publications

Varga, Nóra; Lőkös, László; Farkas, Edit. Annotated Checklist of the Lichenicolous Fungi of Hungary DIVERSITY-BASEL. 13: -

Farkas, Edit; Biró, Bernadett; Csintalan, Zsolt; Veres, Katalin. Acetone rinsing tolerance of the lichen species Cladonia foliacea is considerable LICHENOLOGIST. 52: 325-327

Selected projects

Global patterns to molecular problems in lichenology

Lead researcher: Farkas, Edit
Planned duration: 2017-2023
ID: K124341