Öllerer, Kinga, PhD
research fellow
Traditional Ecological Knowledge Research Group
Lendület Ecosystem Services Research Group
land-use history, traditional land use practices, past habitat uses, forest-related grazing, traditional ecological knowledge, wood-pastures, conservation biology, environmental governance, IPBES, CBD
Currently I work on the Traditional land use practices and biodiversity – Forests and wood-pastures from the Carpathian Basin, and global assessment MTA Premium Postdoctoral project, and the CO-OP4CBD – Cooperation for the Convention on Biological Diversity project. Furthermore, I study the relationships between traditional ecological knowledge and biodiversity within the framework of IPBES and CBD.
Publications can be accessed at ResearchGate.
Selected publications
Molnár Zsolt; Aumeeruddy-Thomas Yildiz; Babai Dániel; Díaz Sandra; Garnett Stephen T.; Hill Rosemary; Bates Peter; Brondízio Eduardo S.; Cariño Joji; Demeter László; Fernández-Llamazares Álvaro; Guèze Maximilien; McElwee Pamela; Öllerer Kinga; Purvis Andy; Reyes-García Victoria; Samakov Aibek; Singh Ranjay K. Towards richer knowledge partnerships between ecology and ethnoecology TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 39 : 2 pp. 109-115. , 7 p. (2024)
Báldi A.; Öllerer K.; Wijkman A.; Brunori G.; Máté A.; Batáry P. Roadmap for transformative agriculture: From research through policy towards a liveable future in Europe ADVANCES IN ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 68 pp. 131-154. , 24 p. (2023)
Leadley Paul; Gonzalez Andrew; Obura David; Krug Cornelia B.; Londoño-Murcia Maria Cecilia; Millette Katie L.; Radulovici Adriana; Rankovic Aleksandar; Shannon Lynne J.; Archer Emma; Armah Frederick Ato; Bax Nic; Chaudhari Kalpana; Costello Mark John; Dávalos Liliana M.; Roque Fabio de Oliveira; DeClerck Fabrice; Dee Laura E.; Essl Franz; Ferrier Simon; Genovesi Piero; Guariguata Manuel R.; Hashimoto Shizuka; Ifejika Speranza Chinwe; Isbell Forest; Kok Marcel; Lavery Shane D.; Leclère David; Loyola Rafael; Lwasa Shuaib; McGeoch Melodie; Mori Akira S.; Nicholson Emily; Ochoa Jose M.; Öllerer Kinga; Polasky Stephen; Rondinini Carlo; Schroer Sibylle; Selomane Odirilwe; Shen Xiaoli; Strassburg Bernardo; Sumaila Ussif Rashid; Tittensor Derek P.; Turak Eren; Urbina Luis; Vallejos Maria; Vázquez-Domínguez Ella; Verburg Peter H.; Visconti Piero; Woodley Stephen; Xu Jianchu Achieving global biodiversity goals by 2050 requires urgent and integrated actions ONE EARTH 5 : 6 pp. 597-603. , 7 p. (2022)
Biró, Marianna; Molnár, Zsolt; Öllerer, Kinga; Demeter, László; Bölöni, János. Behind the general pattern of forest loss and gain: A long-term assessment of semi-natural and secondary forest cover change at country level Landscape and Urban Planning, 220:104334
Demeter, László; Molnár, Ábel Péter; Bede-Fazekas, Ákos; Öllerer, Kinga; Varga, Anna; Szabados, Klára; Tucakov, Marko; Kiš, Alen; Biró, Marianna; Marinkov, Jelena; Molnár, Zsolt. Controlling invasive alien shrub species, enhancing biodiversity and mitigating flood risk: A win–win–win situation in grazed floodplain plantations Journal of Environmental Management. 295:113053
Demeter, László; Molnár, Ábel Péter; Öllerer, Kinga; Csóka, György; Kiš, Alen; Vadász, Csaba; Horváth, Ferenc; Molnár, Zsolt. Rethinking the natural regeneration failure of pedunculate oak: The pathogen mildew hypothesis BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION. 253, Paper: 108928 (2021)
Biró, M.; Molnár, Zs.; Öllerer, K.; Lengyel, A.; Ulicsni, V.; Szabados, K.; Kiš, A.; Perić, R.; Demeter, L.; Babai, D. Conservation and herding co-benefit from traditional extensive wetland grazing Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. Volume 300, 15 September 2020, 106983
Varga, Anna; Demeter, László; Ulicsni, Viktor; Öllerer, Kinga; Biró, Marianna; Babai, Dániel; Molnár, Zsolt. Prohibited, but still present: local and traditional knowledge about the practice and impact of forest grazing by domestic livestock in Hungary JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY AND ETHNOMEDICINE. 16: 51
Öllerer, Kinga; Varga, Anna; Kirby, Keith; Demeter, László; Biró, Marianna; Bölöni, János; Molnár, Zsolt. Beyond the obvious impact of domestic livestock grazing on temperate forest vegetation – A global review BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION. 237: 209-219
Biró, Marianna; Molnár, Zsolt; Babai, Dániel; Dénes, Andrea; Fehér, Alexander; Barta, Sándor; Sáfián, László; Szabados, Klára; Kiš, Alen; Demeter, László; Öllerer, Kinga. Reviewing historical traditional knowledge for innovative conservation management: A re-evaluation of wetland grazing SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 666: 1114-1125
Reyes-García, Victoria; Fernández-Llamazares, Álvaro; McElwee, Pamela; Molnár, Zsolt; Öllerer, Kinga; Wilson, Sarah Jane; Brondizio, Eduardo. The contributions of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities to ecological restoration RESTORATION ECOLOGY. 27: 3-8
Bobiec, A; Reif, A; Öllerer, K. Seeing the oakscape beyond the forest: a landscape approach to the oak regeneration in Europe LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY. 33: 513-528