

Somodi Imelda; Konrád Krisztina Dóra; Vízi Dávid Béla; Tallósi Béla; Samu Andrea; Kajner Péter; Bede-Fazekas Ákos. Modelling of potential vegetation identifies diverging expectable outcomes of river floodplain widening GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, Paper: e02859 (2024)

Mirhashemi Hengameh, Ahmadi Kourosh, Heydari Mehdi, Karami Omid, Valkó Orsolya, Khwarahm Nabaz R. Climatic variables are more effective on the spatial distribution of oak forests than land use change across their historical range ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 196 : 3. Paper: 289 (2024)

Szentiványi T., Estók P. Penicillidia conspicua TRENDS IN PARASITOLOGY, 40 : 2. pp. 194-195. (2024)

Boetzl Fabian A.; Sponsler Douglas; Albrecht Matthias; Batary Peter; Birkhofer Klaus; Knapp Michal; Krauss Jochen; Maas Bea; Martin Emily A.; Sirami Clelia; Sutter Louis; Bertrand Colette; Baillod Aliette Bosem; Bota Gerard; Bretagnolle Vincent; Brotons Lluis; Frank Thomas; Fusser Moritz; Giralt David; Gonzalez Ezequiel; Hof Anouschka R.; Luka Henryk; Marrec Ronan; Nash Michael A.; Ng Katherina; Plantegenest Manuel; Poulin Brigitte; Siriwardena Gavin M.; Tscharntke Teja; Tschumi Matthias; Vialatte Aude; Van Vooren Laura; Zubair-Anjum Muhammad; Entling Martin H.; Steffan-Dewenter Ingolf; Schirmel Jens. Distance functions of carabids in crop fields depend on functional traits, crop type and adjacent habitat: a synthesis PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 291 : 2014. Paper: 20232383 (2024)

Jablonszky Mónika; Canal David; Hegyi Gergely; Herényi Márton; Laczi Miklós; Markó Gábor; Nagy Gergely; Rosivall Balázs; Szöllősi Eszter; Török János; Garamszegi László Zsol. The estimation of additive genetic variance of body size in a wild passerine is sensitive to the method used to estimate relatedness among the individuals ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 14 : 2. Paper: e10981 (2024)

Jablonszky Mónika; Garamszegi László Zsolt. The effect of repeated measurements and within-individual variance on the estimation of heritability: a simulation study BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY, 78 : 2. Paper: 18 (2024)

Papp Viktor; Palla Balázs; Papp Dávid; Németh Csaba. First report of Cryphonectria carpinicola in Hungary and Slovakia (Central Europe) FOREST PATHOLOGY, 54 : 1 Paper: e12845 (2024)

Ho Khanh V; Süle Gabriella; Kovács Bence; Erdős László. Strong differences in microclimate among the habitats of a forest-steppe ecosystem IDŐJÁRÁS / QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE HUNGARIAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE (2024)

Pannard Alexandrine; Minaudo Camille; Leitao Maria; Abonyi Andras; Moatar Florentina; Gassama Nathalie. Meroplanktic phytoplankton play a crucial role in responding to peak discharge events in the middle lowland section of the Loire River (France) HYDROBIOLOGIA, 851 : 869. Paper 895 (2024)

Eörs Szathmáry Nonadaptive onset of complex multicellularity PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 121 : 11. Paper: 2401220121 (2024)

Szentivanyi Tamara; Oedin Malik; Rocha Ricardo. Cat–wildlife interactions and zoonotic disease risk: a call for more and better community science data MAMMAL REVIEW, 12 p. (2024)

del Mar Labrador María; Serrano David; Doña Jorge; Aguilera Eduardo; Arroyo José L.; Atiénzar Francisco; Barba Emilio; Bermejo Ana; Blanco Guillermo; Borràs Antoni; Calleja Juan A.; Cantó José L.; Cortés Verónica; De la Puente Javier; De Palacio Diana; Fernández‐González Sofía; Figuerola Jordi; Frías Óscar; Fuertes‐Marcos Benito; Garamszegi László Z.; Gordo Óscar; Gurpegui Míriam; Kovács István; Martínez José L.; Meléndez Leandro; Mestre Alexandre; Møller Anders P.; Monrós Juan S.; Moreno‐Opo Rubén; Navarro Carlos; Pap Péter L.; Pérez‐Tris Javier; Piculo Rubén; Ponce Carlos; Proctor Heather C.; Rodríguez Rubén; Sallent Ángel; Senar Juan Carlos; Tella José L.; Vágási Csongor I.; Vögeli Matthias; Jovani Roger. Host space, not energy or symbiont size, constrains feather mite abundance across passerine bird species JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY (2024)

Zhang Zhixin; Ma Shaobo; Bede‐Fazekas Ákos; Mammola Stefano; Qu Meng; Zhou Jinxin; Feng Ellias Yuming; Qin Geng; Lin Qiang. Considering biotic interactions exacerbates the predicted impacts of climate change on coral‐dwelling species JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY (2024)

Nagy Jenő; Hauber Mark E.; Löki Viktor; Mainwaring Mark C. Plumage and eggshell colouration covary with the level of sex-specific parental contributions to nest building in birds NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN, 111 : 2. Paper: 12 , 10 p. (2024)

Bocher Pierrick; Donnez Marie; Chenu Audran; Sviridova Tatiana; Fort Jérôme; Garthe Stefan; Jiguet Frédéric; Piha Markus; Elts Jaanus; Marja Riho; Amélineau Françoise; Robin Frédéric; Rousseau Pierre; Schwemmer Philipp. Home ranges and hatching success of threatened Eurasian curlew in north-eastern Europe relates to habitat type: Natural vs. agricultural landscapes GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, 50 Paper: e02851 (2024)

Kotowska Dorota; Skórka Piotr; Pärt Tomas; Auffret Alistair G.; Żmihorski Michał. Spatial scale matters for predicting plant invasions along roads JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 112 : 2, pp. 305-318. (2024)

Haubrock P.J.; Soto I.; Kourantidou M.; Ahmed D.A.; Serhan Tarkan A.; Balzani P.; Bego K.; Kouba A.; Aksu S.; Briski E.; Sylvester F.; De Santis V.; Archambaud-Suard G.; Bonada N.; Cañedo-Argüelles M.; Csabai Z.; Datry T.; Floury M.; Fruget J.-F.; Jones J.I.; Lizee M.-H.; Maire A.; Murphy J.F.; Ozolins D.; Jessen Rasmussen J.; Skuja A.; Várbíró G.; Verdonschot P.; Verdonschot R.C.M.; Wiberg-Larsen P.; Cuthbert R.N. Understanding the complex dynamics of zebra mussel invasions over several decades in European rivers: drivers, impacts and predictions OIKOS, 2024 Paper: e10283 , 19 p.

Németh Csaba; Palla Balázs; Papp Dávid; Papp Viktor. A közönséges gyertyán krifonektriás kéregrákja (Cryphonectria carpinicola) ERDÉSZETI LAPOK, 159 : 2. pp. 60-62. (2024)

Richert A.; Kalwasińska A.; Felföldi T.; Szabó A.; Fehér D.; Dembińska K.; Brzezinska M.S. Characterization of bacterial biofilms developed on the biodegradable polylactide and polycaprolactone polymers containing birch tar in an aquatic environment MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 199. Paper: 115922 (2024)

Somodi Imelda; Bede-Fazekas Ákos; Botta-Dukát Zoltán; Molnár Zsolt. Confidence and consistency in discrimination: A new family of evaluation metrics for potential distribution models ECOLOGICAL MODELLING, 491. Paper: 110667 (2024)

Paczkó Mátyás; Vörös Dániel; Szabó Péter; Jékely Gáspár; Szathmáry Eörs; Szilágyi András. A neural network-based model framework for cell-fate decisions and development COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY, 7 : 1. Paper: 323 (2024)

Patonai Katalin; Endrédi Anett; Horváth Zsófia; Borza Péter; Pálffy Károly; Dobosy Péter; Vad Csaba F. Trophic impact of an invasive mysid shrimp depends on zooplankton community composition: A mesocosm experiment. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–12. (2024)

Farkas Edit; Xu Maonian; Muhoro Arthur Macharia; Szabó Krisztina; Lengyel Attila; Heiðmarsson Starri; Viktorsson Elvar Örn; Ólafsdóttir Elín Soffia. The algal partnership is associated with quantitative variation of lichen specific metabolites in Cladonia foliacea from Central and Southern Europe SYMBIOSIS (2024)

Karádi-Kovács Kata; Szivák Ildikó; Bozóki Tamás; Kovács Krisztián; Móra Arnold; Padisák Judit; Selmeczy Géza Balázs; Schmera Dénes; Boda Pál. Long-term recovery dynamics determined by the degree of the disturbance – Ten years tracking of aquatic macroinvertebrate recolonisation after an industrial disaster (Red Sludge Disaster, Hungary) SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 921 Paper: 171071, 15 p. (2024)

Asztalos Bogdán; Palla Gergely; Czégel Dániel. Anomalous diffusion analysis of semantic evolution in major Indo-European languages PLOS ONE, 19 : 3. Paper: e0298650 (2024)

Mariann Komlós; Zoltán Botta-Dukát; János Bölöni; Réka Aszalós; Katalin Veres; Dániel Winkler; Gábor Ónodi. Tall, large-diameter trees and dense shrub layer as key determinants of the abundance and composition of bird communities in oak-dominated forests JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH, 35. Paper: 62 , 15 p. (2024)

Bihaly Á.D.; Piross I.S.; Pellaton R.; Szigeti V.; Somay L.; Vajna F.; Soltész Z.; Báldi A.; Sárospataki M.; Kovács-Hostyánszki A. Landscape-wide floral resource deficit enhances the importance of diverse wildflower plantings for pollinators in farmlands AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, 367. Paper: 108984 (2024)

Lovas-Kiss Á.; Antal L.; Mozsár A.; Nyeste K.; Somogyi D.; Kiss B.; Tóth R.; Tóth F.; Fazekas D.L.; Vitál Z.; Halasi-Kovács B.; Tóth P.; Szabó N.; Löki V.; Vincze O.; Lukács B.A. Bird-mediated endozoochory as a potential dispersal mechanism of bony fishes ECOGRAPHY, Paper: e07124 (2024)

Károlyi Adél; Scheuring István. Cooperation in public goods game does not require assortment and depends on population density JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, Paper: voae029 (2024)

Czárán Tamás; Scheuring István; Zachar István; Számadó Szabolcs. Cue-driven microbial cooperation and communication: evolving quorum sensing with honest signaling BMC BIOLOGY, 22 : 1. Paper: 73 (2024)