Funkcionális Algológiai Kutatócsoport

Research groups

Functional Algology Research Group

Head of the research group:

Scientific Advisor

Members of the research group:

Main profile:

The Functional Algology Research Group, headed by Gábor Borics Dsc. was established in 2011 as part of the Tisza Research Department of the Ecological Centre (HU), located in Debrecen Hungary. The group focuses on basic and applied research in the field of planktic and benthic algae living in rivers and pond systems. The basic research activities of the group are devoted to understanding the relationship between the composition and biomass of microalgae and the main drivers. The applied research activities are linked to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Hungary.

At present, the group is putting a strong focus on the accurate characterization of morphological alga traits, using real-like 3D visualization of algae

Core research areas:
• phytoplankton-based quality assessment of lakes and rivers
• metaphytic algae
• microalgal diversity
• impact of extreme climatic events on benthic algae
• morphological traits of microalgae
• phytoplankton composition and biomass in riverine ecosystems