
Csonka, Anna Cseperke

assistant research fellow

Research groups:
Restoration Ecology Group


Related link(s):

Restoration Ecology Group Hungary

Restoration Ecology Group Twitter

Main profile in keywords:
dry grasslands, restoration ecology, invasive species

Selected publications

Csonka Anna Cseperke; Török Katalin; Csecserits Anikó; Halassy Melinda. Grassland reconstruction in a factory yard increases biodiversity and reduces costs of installation and maintenance APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE, 26 : 4, Paper: e12752 (2023)

Edina Csákvári; Nóra Sáradi; Boglárka Berki; Anikó Csecserits; Anna Cseperke Csonka; Paolinelli Reis Bruna; Katalin Török; Orsolya Valkó; Márton Vörös; Melinda Halassy. Native species can reduce the establishment of invasive alien species if sown in high density and using competitive species RESTORATION ECOLOGY 31 : 5 Paper: e13901 (2023)