Darwinian evolution has generated “endless forms most beautiful” on Earth – an apparent design in a no-design universe. I want to understand where intelligence without designer comes from, seeking answers to questions such as:
In what precise mathematical sense is Darwinian evolution intelligent?
Does Darwinian evolution contribute to our own intelligence – operating over neural informational patterns as replicators in the brain?
Where does design come into play to shape chemical complexity, where does it come from and how can we manipulate it?
Some past and current work I contributed to:
Towards a unified theory of high-dimensional adaptations. Analogies between dynamics of replicator populations and Bayesian computations
– Czégel, D., Giaffar, H., Zachar, I., Tenenbaum, J. B., & Szathmáry, E. (2020). Evolutionary implementation of Bayesian computations. BioRxiv, 685842.
– Czégel, D., Zachar, I., & Szathmáry, E. (2019). Multilevel selection as Bayesian inference, major transitions in individuality as structure learning. Royal Society open science, 6(8), 190202.
Emergence of life in the brain? The Darwinian neurodynamics hypothesis
– Czégel, D., Giaffar, H., Csillag, M., Futó, B., & Szathmáry, E. (2021). Novelty and imitation within the brain: a Darwinian neurodynamic approach to combinatorial problems. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-14.
– Talk at the Santa Fe Institute: is external)
How to build a brain? Combinatorial encoding of (neural) network connectivity
– Barabási, D. L., & Czégel, D. (2021). Constructing graphs from genetic encodings. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-13.
Macroscopic models of strongly interacting systems & generalized entropies
– Balogh, S. G., Palla, G., Pollner, P., & Czégel, D. (2020). Generalized entropies, density of states, and non-extensivity. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-12.
– Czégel, D., Balogh, S. G., Pollner, P., & Palla, G. (2018). Phase space volume scaling of generalized entropies and anomalous diffusion scaling governed by corresponding non-linear Fokker-Planck equations. Scientific reports, 8(1), 1-8.
– Talk the the 2020 Conference on Complex Systems: is external) at 47:30
What is hierarchical organization and how to measure it?
– Czégel, D., & Palla, G. (2015). Random walk hierarchy measure: What is more hierarchical, a chain, a tree or a star?. Scientific reports, 5(1), 1-14.
email: danielczegel at gmail dot com
twitter: @daniel_czegel