Research groups

Emerging Pathogen Ecology Research Group

Head of the research group:

senior research fellow

Members of the research group:

Main profile:

The research focus of the group is eco-epidemiology and evolution of parasites and pathogens. Our main aim is to gain a deeper understanding of the biology, natural cycle of human and animal parasites (including microbial pathogens and macroparasites) and their relation with their hosts. We pay special attention to the eco-epidemiology of pathogens emerging as a consequence of climate change and anthropogenic pressure. We plan to implement the obtained results in pandemic and epidemic prevention e.g. by applying the DAMA (Document, Assess, Monitor, Act) protocol. We investigate the epidemiological role of pathogen-transmitting vectors, e.g. ticks and their occurrence in urban areas. We study the evolutionary background behind infectious and non-infectious diseases transmitted by ticks with Darwinian methods. We also deal with historical, behavioural science and biopolitical aspects of pathogens, diseases and pandemics. We examine the host-pathogen relationship and developing diseases from both molecular biological, immunological, ecological and theoretical evolutionary angles.

Selected publications

Daniel R. Brooks; Walter A. Boeger; Eric P. Hoberg.: The Stockholm Paradigm: Lessons for the Emerging Infectious Disease Crisis Manter, journal of parasite diversity, occasional papers 22 pp. 1-10. , 10 p. (2022)