Research groups
Restoration Ecology Group
Members of the research group:
Csákvári, Edina
assistant research fellow
Csonka, Anna Cseperke
assistant research fellow
Kalóczkai, Ágnes, PhD
research fellow
Koncz, Péter, PhD
ecologist, project manager
Kövendi-Jakó, Anna, PhD
assistant research fellow
Nagy, Anita
science communication referee
Sáradi, Nóra
assistant research fellow
Török, Katalin, PhD
team member senior research fellow
Vörös, Márton
assistant research fellow
Main profile:
The Restoration Ecology Group (REG) tests methods suitable for the restoration of natural ecosystems, which can become self-sustaining or require only conventional, extensive management on the long run. The target of restoration is the endemic Pannonian sand grassland that is under protection of the EU (Pannonic sand steppe, habitat code 6260).
Our experiments are currently underway at two locations:
1. The sand dune region and neighbouring anthropogenic landscape of Fülöpháza in the Kiskunság National Park, at the Kiskun LTER site Kiskuninlcuding the study of spontaneous regeneration and restoration of open sand grasslands on abandoned fields
2. Nyíregyháza LEGO factory where reconstruction of forest steppe, a mosaic of steppe oak woods and sand grasslands is taking place
Activities of the group include participation in the work of the Society for Ecological Restoration, European Chapter SER Europe, e.g. conference organization (SER Europe Summer School on Ecological Restoration 2018, SERE webinars). Collaboration with projects dealing with the biodiversity science-policy interface like IPBES is gaining importance.
For more information, please visit: https://www.restoration-ecology.hu/ or https://twitter.com/RestEcologyHU