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Ongoing projects

Prevention, anticipation and mitigation of tick-borne disease risk applying the DAMA protocol (PRAGMATICK)

Lead researcher: Földvári, Gábor
Planned duration: 2022.10.18-2026.10.17
Amount of support: 600,000 EUR
Funding organisation: Európai Unió
Programme: COST
ID: CA21170
Website: Pragmatick-action

Pipeline for Rapid Diagnostics of Emergency Transboundary Infectious Diseases (Perpare-TID)

Planned duration: 2024-01.01-2027.12.31
Amount of support: 300 000 €
Funding organisation: Európai Unió
Programme: Horizon Europe (HORIZON)
ID: 101137132

Complex dispersal networks of wetlands

Lead researcher: Lovas-Kiss, Ádám
Planned duration: 2024-2028
Funding organisation: MTA
Programme: Lendület

RESPIN – reinforce science-policy interfaces in innovative ways to boost effectiveness and interconnectedness of biodiversity and climate policies

Lead researcher: Báldi, András
Planned duration: 2024. 01. – 2027. 12.
Amount of support: EUR 3.994.341, GB envelope of the total amount: EUR 225.625
Funding organisation: Európai Unió
Programme: EU-H2020
ID: 101135490 – RESPIN
Website: Twitter

In order to inform global action on biodiversity and climate protection, IPBES, IPCC and corresponding national processes were created to improve the science-policy interface (SPI) between knowledge holders and decision makers. Nevertheless, there are large differences […]

Diversity under the sun: can solar parks support biodiversity and ecosystem services?

Lead researcher: Gallé, Róbert
Planned duration: 2022-2026
Amount of support: 41 984 000 Ft
Funding organisation: NKFIH
Programme: OTKA
ID: FK142926

Large grassland areas are converted to arable fields or less productive ones are degraded through grassland abandonment. This land-use change and habitat loss are among the primary drivers of grassland biodiversity decline. Mitigating these processes requires […]

SELINA – Science for Evidence-based and Sustainable Decisions About Natural Capital

Lead researcher: Arany Ildikó
Planned duration:
Amount of support: € 12 213 780 ÖK-ra jutó keret € 121 000
Funding organisation: Európai Unió
Programme: HORIZON.2.6 - Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
ID: 101060415

The Horizon Europe Call for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Ecosystems and their Services for an Evidence-Based Policy and Decision-Making programme has awarded the SELINA (Science for Evidence-Based and Sustainable Decisions about Natural Capital) project for funding. […]

CO-OP4CBD – Cooperation for the Convention on Biological Diversity

Lead researcher: Báldi, András
Planned duration: 2022.12.01.– 2026.11.30.
Amount of support: 4 359 748.75 EUR, 289 625.00 EUR
Funding organisation: Európai Unió
Programme: EU-H2020
ID: 101081778 – CO-OP4CBD

The overall aim of the CO-OP4CBD project is to enhance coordination of European Union support to advance the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), through a more effective use of existing expertise and initiatives. […]

Assessing and Consolidating Recent Advances on Freshwater Ecosystem Restoration (EcoAdvance)

Lead researcher: Lukács, Balázs András
Planned duration: 2022. 08. 01. - 2025. 01. 31.
Amount of support: 99 812.50 EUR
Funding organisation: Európai Unió
Programme: EU-H2020
ID: 101060497-EcoAdvance

EcoAdvance supports decision makers by disentangling the threads and knots of Freshwater restoration research, practice and assessment to help funders invest in projects that are prone to success and maximize synergies and impacts. EcoAdvance will highlight […]

National Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Climate Change

Lead researcher: Horváth, Zsófia
Planned duration: 2022-2026
Amount of support: 268 920 000 Ft
Programme: Nemzeti Labor
ID: RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014

Víztudományi és Vízbiztonsági Nemzeti Laboratórium

Lead researcher: Engloner, Attila
Planned duration: 2022. 06. 01. - 2026. 02. 28.
Amount of support: 563 000 000 Ft
Programme: Nemzeti Labor
ID: RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00008

Egészségbiztonság Nemzeti Laboratórium – Invázióbiológiai Divízió és Járványökológiai Divízió

Lead researcher: Garamszegi, László Zsolt
Planned duration: 2022-2026
Amount of support: 1 298 432 000 Ft
Programme: Nemzeti Labor
ID: RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00006

A közösségi jelentőségű természeti értékek hosszú távú megőrzését és fejlesztését, valamint az EU Biológiai Sokféleség Stratégia 2020 célkitűzéseinek hazai megvalósítását megalapozó stratégiai vizsgálatok

Planned duration: 2016-2022
Amount of support: 1 063 210 905 Ft. Ebből az ÖK költségkeret: 187 037 000 Ft
Funding organisation: Európai BizottságAgrárminisztérium
Programme: KEHOP
ID: KEHOP-4.3.0-VEKOP-15-2016-00001
Website: A projekt hivatalos weboldala

‘Evolutionary games and population dynamics: from theory to applications’ — ‘EvoGamesPlus’

Planned duration: 2021-2025
Amount of support: 229.715 EUR
Funding organisation: Európai Bizottság
Programme: EU-H2020
ID: NUMBER 955708 — EvoGamesPlus

Unified computational solutions to disentangle biological interactions in multi-omics data

Planned duration: 2021-2025
Amount of support: 612.562 EUR
Funding organisation: Európai Bizottság
Programme: EU-H2020
ID: 952914 — FindingPheno

LIFEforBUGS&BIRDS: Innovative management of Pannonic salt steppes and loess steppic grasslands to benefit plants, insects and birds. Agrárminisztérium társfinanszírozás

Planned duration: 2022-2027
Amount of support: 185.000.000 Ft
Funding organisation: Európai Bizottság
Programme: EU-LIFE
ID: LIFE20 NAT/HU/001404

LIFEforBUGS&BIRDS: Innovative management of Pannonic salt steppes and loess steppic grasslands to benefit plants, insects and birds

Planned duration: 2021-2027
Amount of support: 748.164 EUR
Funding organisation: Európai Bizottság
Programme: EU-LIFE
ID: LIFE20 NAT/HU/001404

“Insect pollinators along gradients in differently structured landscapes: importance of the edge effect and small- vs. large-scale agriculture — Happybee”

Planned duration: 2022-2023
Amount of support: 139.851 EUR
Funding organisation: Európai Bizottság
Programme: EU-H2020
ID: 101027920 - Happybee

Safeguarding European wild pollinators’

Lead researcher: Báldi, András
Planned duration: 2021-2025
Amount of support: 120.938 EUR
Funding organisation: Európai Bizottság
Programme: EU-H2020
ID: SAFEGUARD (101003476)-2021

Closed projects

Az evolúció fényében: elvek és megoldások

Planned duration: 2017-2020
Amount of support: 746.885.735 Ft
Funding organisation: Európai UnióMagyarország Kormánya
Programme: Gazdaságfejlesztési és Innovációs Operatív Program
ID: GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00057

Ökoszisztémák fenntartható működtetése – klímaváltozás, tájhasználat, inváziók hatásának mérsékléséért

Planned duration: 2016-2020
Amount of support: 852.391.934 Ft
ID: GINOP–2.3.2–15–2016–00019