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Increasing the ecological sustainability of oak forests by close-to-nature forestry based on experimental research (#oakadapt)
Central European oak dominated forests have been used for centuries and currently exhibit serious biodiversity decline associated with global environmental changes. Nonetheless, they preserve considerable natural capital. They have a key role in the timber provisioning […]
Flowers and pollinators for the buzzing cities
Pollinators play a fundamental role in nature and human life. Nowadays, the pressure to protect pollinating insects is shifting from farmlands to cities. They can be supported by maintaining semi-natural habitats and introducing novel techniques, such […]
Prevention, anticipation and mitigation of tick-borne disease risk applying the DAMA protocol (PRAGMATICK)
Pipeline for Rapid Diagnostics of Emergency Transboundary Infectious Diseases (Perpare-TID)
Complex dispersal networks of wetlands
RESPIN – reinforce science-policy interfaces in innovative ways to boost effectiveness and interconnectedness of biodiversity and climate policies
In order to inform global action on biodiversity and climate protection, IPBES, IPCC and corresponding national processes were created to improve the science-policy interface (SPI) between knowledge holders and decision makers. Nevertheless, there are large differences […]
Diversity under the sun: can solar parks support biodiversity and ecosystem services?
Large grassland areas are converted to arable fields or less productive ones are degraded through grassland abandonment. This land-use change and habitat loss are among the primary drivers of grassland biodiversity decline. Mitigating these processes requires […]
SELINA – Science for Evidence-based and Sustainable Decisions About Natural Capital
The Horizon Europe Call for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Ecosystems and their Services for an Evidence-Based Policy and Decision-Making programme has awarded the SELINA (Science for Evidence-Based and Sustainable Decisions about Natural Capital) project for funding. […]
CO-OP4CBD – Cooperation for the Convention on Biological Diversity
The overall aim of the CO-OP4CBD project is to enhance coordination of European Union support to advance the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), through a more effective use of existing expertise and initiatives. […]
Assessing and Consolidating Recent Advances on Freshwater Ecosystem Restoration (EcoAdvance)
EcoAdvance supports decision makers by disentangling the threads and knots of Freshwater restoration research, practice and assessment to help funders invest in projects that are prone to success and maximize synergies and impacts. EcoAdvance will highlight […]