
Research and practice for the ecologically sustainable forest management: the #oakadapt project is started

A new research project started in the HUN-REN Centre for Ecological research titled „Increasing the ecological sustainability of oak forests by close-to-nature forestry based on experimental research (#oakadapt)”. The project is founded by the Interreg Slovakia-Hungary Programme. It is based on a collaboration between Slovakian and Hungarian research and forest management organizations, the leader of the consortium is the Technical University in Zvolen. The scientific leader of the project in the HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research is Dr. Péter Ódor.

Central European oak dominated forests have been used for centuries and currently exhibit serious biodiversity decline associated with global environmental changes. Nonetheless, they preserve considerable natural capital. They have a key role in the timber provisioning for the society, protection of forest biodiversity and recreational purposes. They have a large potential in mitigation of climate change, protection of soil and water. Forest management has high responsibility in the sustainable use of forests, integration of protection elements and resilience against climate change. Developing sustainable management approaches that increase the resilience of forests and support biodiversity are central in current applied ecological research. Scientists from the Technical University in Zvolen (SK) and the HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research (HU) experimentally investigate the effects of different forestry interventions and gap-cutting characteristics on forest microclimate, biodiversity, tree growth, and regeneration. Within the project, they will continue their experiments, make comparisons between forest stands managed by continuous cover forestry and rotations forestry, produce scientific research papers and transform the results into the forestry practice for local management partners: Forests of Krupina City (SK) and the Pilis Park Forestry Company (HU). This research can contribute to the scientific basis of continuous cover and close-to-nature management systems, that are used by the manager partners on large forest area. In addition, new management guidelines for ecologically sustainable forestry will be prepared in cooperation with National Forest Centre (SK) and Real Forest (SK) organizations. Pilis Park Forestry Company will develop and introduce the administration system of gaps and gap management, as well as introduce a monitoring of game browsing for successful forest regeneration. National Forest Centre will provide service for data sharing and information reflecting favourable status of forest biodiversity before global environmental changes. Such information and databases will support knowledge-based decision-making and partner’s cooperation. Results of the project will be widely disseminated among stakeholders, including education, nature conservations and forestry sector and provide important example and reference for future climate smart forestry.

Project information:

ID: HUSK/2302/1.2/168
Lead researcher: Ódor, Péter
Planned duration: 2024-2027
Amount of support: 336.000 EUR
EU contribution: 268.800 EUR
Founding organization: Interreg Slovakia-Hungary

Interreg - Co-funded by the European Union